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Tuesday, January 5, 2010


You all know I'm a mom.  That's what this entire blog has been about since I started it.  My journey through motherhood, weeding through all things baby and finding my place in that world.  Well, I've found my place, and I'm beginning to feel more like the old me.  I'm beginning to venture out into the rest of this world again, learning new things and exploring old hobbies all over again.

What you may not know, is that I love crafting.  I love learning new things. I love creating something out of nothing.  I'm sure many of you have gathered that much if you've ever looked at my work.  While I'm still focusing on crochet for my shop, I'm also enjoying learning new things. 

Willie got me a sewing machine with all the attachments as an early Christmas gift.  Now, I didn't even know how to thread a needle.  I had no idea what a bobbin was, and had to read the instructional video to learn what the foot pedal was used for, but since that first day, I feel I have come a long way!

I am almost finished with my first complete project.  Not clothes or anything.  I don't have that much confidence in myself.  I made the best thing I could make for myself-a case for all of my crochet hooks!  I thought I was finished with it-hence the photos-but after traveling with this case to a friend's house, I realized I need a flap over the top to hold the hooks in as they fell out everywhere after getting tossed into my crochet bag.  So, feel free to leave constructive criticism-in a nice way of course-about what I should try next time.  I know this project is far from perfect, and I'm okay with that.  I'm still pretty darn proud of myself for finally learning the basics of sewing!

I also participated in my very first craft circle last night.  If you read my tweets, you'll know that it was more of a craft line than a circle, as there were only two of us.  There are three of us involved in trying to get together for this regularly, but our third person was tied up with the daily issues of having a toddler.  These things happen!   I taught my friend how to single crochet a row and then turn.  She is now a crochet-ing fool!  Maybe next week she can learn double crochet.  She taught me about polymer clay-something I've never messed with at all.  It was a lot of fun!  I created a purple rose.  I may have to go pick up some clay myself so I can really learn more.  Oi.  This craft circle could get me into trouble! Or really acquainted with the cashiers at the craft store...one or the other.

 We decided to try and meet once a week, or as often as we can.  Each week we'll plan some activities and have supplies ready.  Once a month, we'll get the kids involved by trying things like finger painting and basic crafts.  I'm really looking forward to the future this group can hold!

In the mean time, while I wait to learn something new on Monday, I will continue with my crochet work.  I'm branching out, experimenting with new techniques, and veering away from my safety zone.  I've been working for several days on a thick winter poncho that I have never attempted, and never even attempted to follow a pattern for a poncho at all.  So I started this 100% from scratch and I'm just going with the image in my mind.  I am hoping to finish tonight, fingers crossed that it comes out as great as I want it to! Otherwise, it was sort of a wasted 4 days of productivity!  Then again, since the glass is always half full, I guess I should say it wasn't a wasted 4 days, instead it was just a 4-day learning experience that will help in the future. Still, though, I'd rather the poncho look fantastic.   Check back soon for photos and an update!



  1. I think that's so cool you are in a craft circle- I bet you'll learn a lot!! And I'm sure it's lots of fun :)

  2. You need to make a pillow next! Simple, I know - I made one in high school Home Ec, but you could make a really cute one for Addie!
