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Saturday, August 15, 2009

9 Month Milestone..

Today, we celebrate Addie's 9th month of life. This is a big milestone for the both of us. 9 months ago today, I was ending my journey as a pregnant woman, and getting ready to embark on an entirely new road. This new road has not been smooth, sometimes I think they need to get the construction workers out to fix some rougher spots, but I realize that avoiding the pot holes has helped me to become a better driver. I have learned how to keep the car on the road while navigating the rough terrain.

My pregnancy went so much slower* than the past 9 months. Every day, for 9 months, I counted down how many days I had left until I experienced this miracle of life that I would call my daughter (or so I hoped-I was not fully trusting of the ultrasound tech). I still can't believe that now I have to count past 9. I look forward to it, really. I can't wait to see where this journey takes us.


*edited for the wrong choice of words.

1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures. So beautiful just like mother and daughter. I can't believe it has already been so long that our babies have been born. Today Josiah is 10 months old and I am preparing his blog as well.

    I know that you have been on this road of motherhood now for 9 months with some ups and downs, bumps and bruises but like me, I bet it has been the best road traveled of your entire life.

    Here is to 9 more months of sweet laughter, joyful tears and milestones crossed. **CHEERS** God bless.
