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Monday, June 29, 2009

Not Me! Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Saturday, while on a family hike, I most certainly did not rinse of my daughter's sippy cup lid in the stream after she threw it on the ground. Nope! Not me! Also, while on this hike, I did not suddenly realize that I forgot to pack a lunch for her and just give her chunks of banana for the second time that day. I want her to thrive on a varied diet, so I most certainly did not do this.

I have not let our housework go undone now that my husband is home from work for awhile. I have most certainly not taken to letting him do the dishes, and the laundry, and the vacuuming every day. No way. I am a much better housewife than that!

Since my husband has been off work, I also have not been giving him diaper duty for all the dirty diapers we've gotten this week! How mean would that be?

While I'm confessing, I did not let my hubby put our daughter down for her morning nap so that I could write a Not Me! post!

What have you not been doing this week?


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Temporary Retirement

Alas...it's that time. My nursing career has come to an end a temporary retirement. I have known this day was coming for a month and a half. I've had plenty of time to prepare myself, emotionally and physically for today. It still just sucks.

Already, I find myself justifying my decision to quit. I feel the need to explain to every stranger that sees me pull out a bottle just exactly what our struggles were, so they don't judge me. I want to say "I wanted to breastfeed for a year! Don't look at me like that! My daughter wasn't thriving on my milk. I did everything I could and it just didn't work! This is what's best for us. But I am still one of you. I am still a breast feeder at heart." I want to parade all of my struggles and hard work in their face, just for those extra bonus points for effort I'll get in the Good Mom competition. I realize, consciously, that this is insane. Believe me, I do. It's just not always as easy as telling yourself that.

I long for the day that I can truly be proud of what I have accomplished. This has been the biggest sacrifice I have ever made in my life. I gave my daughter the best start possible, and now, at seven and a half months, the time has come for her to gain some independence. It is time I realize I am not a better mom because I breastfed, but because I did what was needed in order for my daughter to thrive.


Friday, June 26, 2009

SAHM looking for babysitter??

As most of you know, I am a Stay at Home Mom. I consider that my job, honestly. I take care of the housework, the cooking, the cleaning, the errands that need to be run, the "secretarial work", the diaper changes, the bottle-fixing, entertaining a 7 month old...you name it, I do it. In fact, I do it all with my 7 month old in tow. I never considered there to be another way of doing it. She is part of my life now, and I had to find a neat little space, just for her to fit in.

I have never considered it difficult to take care of Addison and all of the other "jobs" I take care of on a daily basis. I was just asked "How do you do it with no family around? You don't have anyone that watches her one day a week so you can get stuff done??" Personally, in our life right now, I don't see this as a necessary expense. Sure, it takes just a little longer to run errands and get the house clean with Addie in tow, but not so much that I find that I don't have time to do it all.

I started browsing, and apparently there are advertisements up on Craigslist.com for this service! Really?! Stay at home moms pay people to watch their kids? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of being at home?

Don't get me wrong. I am not saying that families that hire a sitter one or two days a week for a couple of hours are wrong. I would love the time alone some days to just do a complete once over of the house, but that's definitely not something I need to do a few days a week. I am just surprised that others think us stay-at-home-moms can't handle it on our own anymore.

It seems that luxury is considered a necessity these days, and given the current economy, I can't see why. I don't have the money to get my hair and nails done. Much less pay someone to watch my daughter while I'm there.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Excuse me while I reminisce..

Tonight I have been searching and applying for work at home jobs. You'd be surprised how little there is hidden within pages and pages of "opportunities". There are so few opportunities for a work at home mom. I have...almost no education. No experience. I am smart. I always have been. But life sometimes gets in the way.

Let me paint you a little picture.

You graduate high school and take a year off. Once you get into college you make awesome grades. You become complacent. Soon you're on the Dean's List and the President's List. You become overly confident in your abilities and relax a bit. Life is good. Then everything falls apart. You lose your home, your car, and in turn you lose your job, your live-in-boyfriend, your whole life. All overnight. It does happen. I keep a picture of my "old life" in my bedroom to remind me of how swiftly you can lose everything. It can literally come crashing down around you...with almost no warning. In turn, you quit school.

I'll take a semester off. Figure out who I am now. Take a breather.

One semester turns into two. Two semesters turns into two years. You meet someone new. It's going so well you move out of state to be with him. "I'll start school once I settle in a new area." You get a job. Get engaged. It's all going so well. "I'll get back into school after the wedding." Well, now the wedding is over. So is the honeymoon. What now?? Are you going to start next semester? Great idea! Only....

Now your husband finds out he's being medically discharged from the military. You have to move. Again. Now what? Who knows when the discharge process is going to be complete. Do you enroll and just hope that you'll be able to finish the semester? It's probably best to wait. After all...you could be moving the same week classes start.

I'll start school once we get to the new place (again).

The semester passes. You're still waiting on news for your separation date. Six months later, you finally get your date. 3 months out. Perfect. You're moving in May. That's enough time to get into the fall semester!!! Except....is that a positive?! You're pregnant?! Didn't expect that one. Due date is the same month as finals. for your first semester back at college. Not such a great start.

I'll start college after the baby comes.

Well, guess what. Baby's here. In fact, baby is almost eight months old now! Are you in school? Or are you struggling under the pressure of adjusting to this new new life? That's what I thought. Parenting is tough.

Here we are...summer again. It's been three years since graduation. College?? It's a pretty scary concept at this point.

What if I fail? What if I'm too old??

Well, you've got to do something. Anything. This living paycheck to paycheck lifestyle just isn't working with an infant. But here's the problem now. Remember that husband you married? He's still trying to figure out what he wants to do now that he's out of the military. He has a 4 year plan...which doesn't involve his wife being in school. It doesn't involve setting aside enough money for two tuitions, childcare, and a low paying job. What now?? Guess we'll have to wait....again.

I'll go back once the kids are in school. Once my husband is done with school. Once he finds a good paying job. Until then...


Monday, June 22, 2009

R-E-S-P-E-C-T, Find out What It Means to Me!

I was part of a discussion today about RESPECT revolving around parenting issues. The woman I was talking to is very.....crunchy (as she describes herself). She was wondering why there is so much defense, and so much hostility from the public towards moms that do things against the grain. It really got me thinking about my "village".

I fully believe that it takes a village to raise a child. My family is pretty far away, so my village mainly consists of the other moms I have met in the area. We are such a diverse group of women, each with our own unique expertise and our own thoughts and feelings regarding parenting (and everything else for that matter, but this is a blog about MOTHERHOOD).

Me personally, I guess I am somewhat crunchy. I aimed for a more natural approach to childbirth (didn't get it but aimed for it), exclusively breastfed (no bottles) for 6 months before introducing formula out of necessity, make my own purees, buy organic when practical, make cleaners & buy green cleaners for my home, and I am now going to try out cloth diapers!

One of my good friends, whom Addie and myself spend quite a bit of time with, does things completely differently than I do! We have our similarities, sure. One would probably call us both fairly crunchy, but our parenting techniques are completely different. She is much less worrisome than I am (in fact she's the one I call to calm me down when I freak abou.t something), she practices Baby-led Weaning, Co-sleeping, baby wearing (to an extent I suppose), and is still exclusively breastfeeding. I, on the other hand, practice crib sleeping, spoon-led weaning, & only use my baby carrier for hiking. Until I joined an online discussion this morning, I didn't even realize how differently we parented. It's all about respect for our fellow mothers.

This is true of all of my mommy friends. I love that we can get past our differences and respect each others differences instead of showing hostility or defense at something that's "against the grain". We are all so different, yet we all have one thing that pulls us together and teaches us respect. We are all part of the club, we all learned the secret hand shake in the delivery room that made us all pull together and become friends. I would be lost without the village that has built up around us.


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Joy amongst the turmoil..

Yesterday, while driving down a country road toward my aunt's house, Willie and I spotted a wedding taking place at a little farm on the side of the road. He said something startling to me, and it really made me think. His words were, "Look at that. There is still happiness in this world amongst all the turmoil these days. Really makes me feel good."


My husband has never been very deep or sentimental. But that comment just took me aback! He's right. Here we are in an economic recession, wars going on left and right, everyone worried about money, no jobs on the market...and here are two people, smiling. Happy. Totally in love. With the rest of their lives to look forward to. That's how it should be. Every day should be full of happiness and that optimistic attitude of looking ahead, excited for what the future brings.

The day I had Addison was like that. Here was this new little life I brought into the world. She was so little and helpless. I knew she was all ours to craft into this human being with thoughts and feelings and goals. It all depends on what we teach her. It's a very overwhelming thought. But at the same time...it made me feel that excitement again at what the future can hold.

I watch her study the cat...and get so deliriously happy over a meow or tail flick, and I realize this is what's important. This is what makes the world go round. This wonder and joy, without any thought for all of the bad things in life. I want her to be the type of person I am not. I want her to look at happiness as the norm, not the exception. I want her to expect life to be good, not always waiting for the other shoe to fall. There are so many things I want, but, being the type of person I am...will I be able to make it happen?


I love him...

Having a child is a huge commitment. It changes you. Makes you a better person. Unfortunately, sometimes it changes the relationships around you. I can't tell you how often during these last few months I have worried (uncalled for) about our relationship and whether we are drifting apart without realizing it. I have done everything I can to make sure he is happy and that I am a good wife to him.

He is an amazing father and husband. He just....rocks. I talk with other women who complain that their husbands-while very loving with their children-do not do much around the house. Do not know how to change a diaper, or make a bottle, or give a bath. Not Willie. He does all these things and more. He is an amazing daddy and a great husband and partner! We make such a great team when it comes to Addison. We make a great team. Period. He is the peanut butter to my jelly. My other half. He completes me in everything I do in life. I don't thank him enough.

Today, it is all about him. He got to sleep in a bit this morning while I got his present ready and got Addie from her crib this morning (a "job" he always does so I can stay in bed, bless him). He came downstairs to a present and 2 cards-one from Addie and one from me- on his spot on the couch and we had a relaxing breakfast with Addie. Now she's napping and he gets to play his video games while I blog and do laundry. He requested that we make no big plans for today. He wants to just do nothing, and that's OK! It's his day and he wants to relax! We'll go out later and get some seafood to make a nice dinner, and go for a family walk. Other than that, today is all about relaxing.

Here's to you, babe. You're an amazing husband, an even better father, and the best room mate I've ever had. =) Sit back, relax, and enjoy some you time today.

A sample of Addie's gift to daddy.

Friday, June 19, 2009

30th & Counting...

This is my 30th post!! Can you believe it?! I always wanted a blog but never had anything to blog about. Thank you, Addison! I love blogging now. It has definitely become my new hobby. I love reading & writing them. So, I made this picture in honor of keeping up with something for this long. Here's to another 30!!


In other news, Addie is on the move! Erm...sort of. She definitely takes the complicated way around, but she's getting places now! She's perfected the roll, finally, and has started getting up on her hands and knees. From this position she can scoot backwards or rock back and forth. She can also spin like a top when she's on her back or tummy, so between these three new tricks, she is getting where she wants to go and getting into trouble!
So, needless to say, we went on a shopping spree down the safety aisle at Babies R us to buy a baby gate to block off the kitchen and some outlet covers. We went through all the cabinets within crawling (and toddling) height and made sure nothing was unsafe in them. Now we just wait for the big day!


I also wanted to take a quick minute and talk about my friend Loni & her blog. She has a fun, quirky blog about her adventures with motherhood as well. It is now Loni's 1 year blogiversary and she is hosting her very first blog giveaway this week, so if you are interested, head over to her blog and enter to win a free blog makeover from This that & Your Blog.


Addie has also started eating finger foods this week. She is so cute gumming down her banana chunks and pieces of mango. I think she's really enjoying herself! It's so bittersweet to watch her growing up. I know, I know, watching her grow up is a good thing and I'm not saying otherwise. But it still makes me tear up. Just 7 months ago she was this completely helpless creature that depended 100% on me to stay fed, dry, and well rested. Now here I am, in the kitchen making breakfast. I look over at her and she's watching me cook breakfast, chewing on her banana chunk, and grabbing her sippy cup to wash it down. My heart breaks into a million pieces when I watch her doing something new for the first time. I'm so proud of her for learning new things...and at the same time, I'm wondering where my baby went? Like I've said before...Where's the lost and found when you need it??


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Week in review...

Aunt JoJo and Uncle Buck are now on a jet-plane, headed back to Texas as we "speak". Instead of writing a LONG entry that will take me hours to write, I thought I would give you a "week in review" post full of all the little things that made this week special, along with a slideshow of photos.
  • Addie meeting her aunt. She didn't even cry! They got along right away...like she'd known her her entire life. So unlike her!
  • Visiting West Seattle and Alki beach. Got our first picture of Addison in the city. She laughed and talked to all of the strangers on our walk.
  • Hiking near Mt. Rainier. We visited the Wonderland Trail-a 10 day hike around the mountain) and crossed the White River. Addison loves being outdoors in nature.
  • Spending her 7 month birthday at Pike's Place Market, & letting Addie try some new foods.
  • Riding the ferry an hour and a half to Bremerton Island and seeing the Naval shipyards. We also got in a small fender bender during rush hour traffic. No one was hurt thank goodness, just a little scared!
All in all, it was a great week! Instead of picking favorites from the week, I decided to make a slide show! Ok, so photobucket made me pick favorites-I could only put half of our pictures in here but there are still a lot!


Monday, June 15, 2009

7 Months Old

What a difference 4 short weeks makes! At 6 months old, Addison weighed 13 lbs11.5 oz.
At 7 months old, she is now 16 lbs 1 oz!!! Way to go Addie!

She had a great "birthday" as well. We went to Pike's Place Market with Aunt JoJo and Uncle Buck, then we went out to dinner. She got to people-watch and hang out on the grass! She got her first taste of cherries & even some sourdough bread and broccoli-cheddar soup (which she loved).

All in all, a great day for our little girl!

Check back soon for a blog full of pictures and stories from our many adventures this week!


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Working at Home

The decision has been made. I think it is time to try and pick up a work at home job. That's right. I'm going to be a WAHM (work at home mom). I'm not quite sure what prompted this decision. The abundance of free time I have these days? Probably not. The laundry suddenly decided to fold itself? Nah. It's just time. I need some intellectual stimulation. Surprisingly, spending my day with a 7 month old has done nothing for my brain power.

My mind used to soak up information like a sponge. I had intelligent conversations. I drank good wine, and knew something about the latest literature. I now have a mom vocabulary. I say things like "teefies", "nappy nap time", and "uh oh..did we go boom?!" My day consists of endless games of peek-a-boo, flying baby, and build-em up knock-em down. Don't get me wrong. I love it. I was created to be a mother I think. It's just that some days I feel that I want to accomplish more than that. My mind needs to be wrung out now.

I don't feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. There is usually nothing to show for my work other than a clean butt (<--see, more mom phrases), a full belly, and a sleeping baby. No matter how many times I clean the living room, I have a husband and a baby that wreck it by the end of the day. No matter how many times I vacuum, there is cat hair on the floor by evening, no matter how many times I wash dishes and wipe off counters, inevitably, it's messy before bed. And I start all over again tomorrow. I would love even the smallest sense of satisfaction. Just seeing that I worked 10 hours this week would actually show that I did something other than sit on the couch breastfeeding my daughter and reading The Cat in The Hat for the umpteenth time.

So, the search starts today. I will be checking out a few sites and see what I can come up with. For those interested, I will be checking out ratracerebellion.com, WAHM.com, and workplacelikehome.com. As I get further into this search, I will be sharing what I learn and discover with you all. Too bad I'm not so great at this that I can be paid to blog, right? How awesome would that be?!


Monday, June 8, 2009

Too much advice

When I was pregnant with Addison, I was terrified. I was overwhelmed with how much I didn't know about pregnancy, childbirth, and bringing a baby into this world. There are so many do's and don'ts that it was very hard to keep up. My friend gave me a helpful book, "What to Expect When You're Expecting". I started reading this book, nicknamed The Pregnancy Bible, and many of my fears were put to rest. I got a few pages in and noticed a card stuck in the pages, advertising the What to Expect Website so I went and checked it out. I joined a message forum on this site that has turned out to be very helpful. There are over 300 women on this board, some experienced, some first time, some nurses, or teachers, from all over the world. I have saved myself countless trips to the ER or hysterical phone calls to the pediatrician & OB due to the women on these boards. When I was having fake contractions, they had answers. When Addie kept "choking" while nursing, they had answers. When I found out Addison wasn't thriving and needed to be put on formula supplements, I found support & advice. I don't know where I would be sometimes without these ladies.

On the other hand, sometimes I think I would be in a much happier relaxed place without these boards and all the other advice I get on a day to day basis. I am so overwhelmed with information right now. Let Addie CIO so she will be able to sleep on her own, don't let her CIO because she's crying to tell you something, get a strict schedule set up, don't set schedule, feed these foods, don't feed these foods, she should be eating 6 oz of food a day, You don't need to measure her food, she needs to eat this often, sleep this often, breast is best, feed on demand, play with your baby, let your baby learn to play on her own, carry her around with you so she feels secure, don't carry her around so she gains independance...you see where I am going here. So many conflicting things. I have been told by lactation consultants to absolutely not bind my chest while trying to get rid of my milk. Then I talk to a friend and her doctor told her that's the best thing to do! It's so confusing.

Between browsing the topics on this site, talking to my mother, grandmother, friends, play group moms, the cashier at Albertson's, the nurse at the pediatrician's office, and the neighbor's, I have advice spewing out of my eyeballs. I only just realized in the last few days how that is not always a good thing. It is really easy for me to let "bad advice"-otherwise known as advice that doesn't pertain to me or that I don't agree with-go in one ear and out the other. So that has never been a problem. But I am truly starting to feel that if I didn't pay attention to every bit of advice, and read every book, and browse message boards, and talk to mothers about what we should and shouldn't do for a baby this age, I would be much more relaxed. I think I would enjoy my days more.

Do you know that I went through about a month that I wouldn't rock my baby to sleep and stressed about her getting off schedule?? Neither of these things were truly problems for me. I don't mind rocking her to sleep. I don't mind her not sleeping (if she stays in a good mood) regularly. I gave myself so much stress and so much anxiety over so many little things, all because I look for too much advice. I need to learn to trust my own instincts more with my daughter, and not worry so much about what I'm "supposed" to be doing.

Every month, at the beginning of the month, I have been setting goals for myself. So far they have been to read x amount of pages in my book, spend x amount of hours cleaning, get out of the house x times a week, etc. This month, I only have 1 goal, and it's a simple one. I am going to learn to trust my own instincts, and not focus so much on what they say is right.

**Disclaimer: I still love my WTE girls :)


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sleep safety

All her life, my daughter has been a pretty laid back sleeper. I have had no problems putting a Lovey and her blanket in her bed, she's never had a bumper to keep her out of the slats, I just never worried.

This past week however, she has discovered belly sleeping. This means she rolls, scoots, & turns all night long now. This morning, we were awoken abruptly about an hour early by a crying baby. Willie went in to check on her and she had her legs through the slats and couldn't move.

, we knew we had to do something about this. So, we went and bought a Breathable Bumper to put in her crib. This is a great invention! I definitely recommend it for any worried parent. It has all the protection of a pillow bumper, with none of the suffocation risks or climbing risks.

We put it in her crib tonight, and I feel much better with it there. Here are some photos, including one of it doing it's job already:


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Me as a Mom

Who is this person in the photo playing with my daughter? This is me as a mother. It is so different from the person I was before becoming a mom. But that's OK. I like the person I have become. So many people have asked me, "Do you miss being childless? Do you miss the person you used to be, and the carefree attitude you used to have?" Honestly? No.

I don't miss being childless. I appear to be in the distinct minority on this point right now. I am being 100% honest in that statement. I love my daughter. I love my life now that she is a part of it. Are my days a little tougher sometimes now? Of course. Are outings a bit more complicated these days? A bit. But not enough so to make me miss my life before my daughter. Addie has by no means been what you would call an "easy" baby. She has been pretty high maintenance, and needs a pretty strict schedule to stay happy. But that is a sacrifice I haven't even thought twice about. She is my everything. My world.

I don't want my old life back. I don't want to go out without my daughter. I have no urge to go out drinking and sleep in late with a hangover in the morning. Those days have past. Those days, honestly, don't even sound very fun anymore. I would much rather spend endless hours playing peek-a-boo, eating tiny little hands, and listening to her laugh than go out for an evening with my old friends and leave Addie with someone else.

My mother actually used this offer as a bribe for us to move home. "If you lived closer, we could take Addison for a weekend so you can have some time to yourselves every few weeks," she said. I told her I had no interest in that, no way would I want to leave her with someone else for a weekend. Not because I'm paranoid, but because I don't want to. All I would do is spend the weekend missing her. I still don't. Months have passed since that offer was laid out on the table, and I still feel no urge to leave my daughter for a weekend. An evening occasionally? Sure!! But no longer.

I signed on to be a parent. That means all the time, not just most of the time. Being a parent is work. But the benefits are so much better than any other job I've ever had, or will ever have again. A friend of mine told me when I was pregnant and worried about how hard having a baby is, "The worst days with my kids, are better than the best days before them," and you know what? I completely agree!


I'm not on strike..

I just don't have anything fun to write about.
Any ideas?
I'm having what my family calls a "brain fart".
Who wants to be my muse?


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Favorite things

This is a new post I am going to try out. I got the idea from Sheinnin when she recently did this on her blog. I am going to have a positive attitude today and list my top 10 favorite things! In light of this being a fun blog, I'm not going to go into depth about non-material things like love and respect, I'm going to stick with the tangible, because we all know that I appreciate things like love and respect and my family. These are in no particular order, by the way!

1) I love coffee. Whoever invented coffee should get the Nobel Prize!! This is what keeps me going all day. If I don't have my morning cup of Joe, watch out...things can get pretty ugly! I love coffee so much that I have toyed with the idea of opening my own coffee shop. This dream is a little mute now that I live in the coffee capital of the country, but back when I was in my home town with nary a coffee shop in sight, this was a definite goal of mine.

2) Chocolate. What girl woman can go a day week without chocolate?? I sure can't. Enough said.

3) Flip flops are my very best friend during the summer. I own at least 12 pair...and that's not counting the ones I haven't bought for this year! It's all I wear...and that brings me to my next favorite thing....

4) Pedicures! Man oh man my post pregnancy feet need a pedicure. They are uh-gly! Nothing makes me feel prettier than looking down at my toes and seeing my "I'm not really a waitress" red toes. I am so sad they discontinued that color. I will have to find a new favorite this time around. I wonder if anything comes close...

5) Summer!! It really truly is my favorite season and always has been. Barbecues, 4th of July, watermelon, sundresses, flip flops, pony tails, sunscreen, sand, water, fireworks, otter pops, swim suits, tans, boats, the smell of freshly mowed grass and wildflowers, hikes....I could go on and on! What is not to love about summer?!

6) Hair bows and big flowers!! I have discovered a new favorite since having my daughter (and here you thought I was going to manage a post finally without gushing over my gorgeous little offspring! Ha!) and that is giant hair bows and flower clips! I love making them, buying them, taking pictures of them, matching them to her little outfits, & getting compliments on how cute she looks!

7) Pictures, Pictures, Pictures. They are my most favorite thing of all I think. I can't take enough pictures. My newest hobby has been practicing my photography on my daughter-of course! I am nowhere near a professional level, but it is so fun! I drape a little sheet over our couch, put her in a cute outfit and give her some props and just have a blast!

8) Wine. Vino. Whatever you call it, it's great. I don't even drink alcohol anymore, but if you give me a glass of wine...yumm-o.

9) Good food is a staple in our house. I have developed another new hobby in trying out recipes. Willie told me yesterday that some people at work were asking if he has a chef. That made me feel so great. I just love food. My hips will prove it to you, also! I love cooking it, eating it, finding new recipes, comparing notes with others, trying other peoples recipes, it's great.

10) My mommy groups (and What to Expect). There's not much to say about this one except that there is nothing like getting in a room full of women that have all been there. I love getting advice from all the awesome ladies I have met and just the feeling of knowing that I'm not alone in this. I have the resources to learn about solid foods, strange noises, rashes, potty training, breast feeding, and anything else I need to know. I have saved countless phone calls to the doctor, and midnight trips to the ER just because of all of these helpful ladies.

So, there you have it. My favorite things of all times. What are yours?


Monday, June 1, 2009

Not Me! Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Yesterday, I did not blow off all of our previous plans in order to do chores around the house, only to skip doing chores and veg in front of the TV for the day. I am a great house wife. There is no way I would allow myself relaxing time on the couch when I knew there were dishes to wash and whites to fold!

On a similar note, I did not just go take a picture of my messy kitchen to post on the internet in the spirit of Not Me! Monday!

I also did not start giving my daughter supplementary bottles out of laziness & convenience, either. Not me. I am all about breastfeeding, and only give her the bottles for extra calories after she has nurses!I did not just start a second pot of coffee this morning to help me get through the day. I have not complained once this morning about it being Monday, meaning I have no help during the day for another week. I love being a Mom, and love the alone time with my daughter. She is never hard to handle.

I also did not skip breakfast this morning out of laziness. I always cook breakfast in the mornings. Incidentally, I now do not have a hunger headache that I am ignoring in the spirit of finishing this blog before my daughter wakes up from her nap!

I now will not begrudgingly finish the laundry and clean the kitchen. I live for these chores!
